От издателя They started this war He's going to finish it The ultra cool Chow Yun Fat (Anna And The King, Replacement Killer) leads an all-star cast in this explosive conclusion to the Godfather-like gangsбхютоter saga Rich And Famous Now an adversary to the respected triad leader Lee Ah-Chi (Chow), Yung (Alex Man) conspires to eliminate his former boss, but his plan backfires when Chai retires and becomes a legitimate businessman Yung then goes on a killing rampage in hisвевтъ relentless fight for power, causing Chai to resolve once again to violence and end the bloodshed once and for all With dynamic performances and a firepower-intensive blowout finale that is simply amazing, Tragic Hero ranks with A Better Tomorrow, Hard-Boiled and The Killer as one of Chow Yun Fat's finest action film achievements Режиссеры: Дэвид Лэй Тэйлор Вонг Творческий коллектив Дополнительные материалы Scene Access Interactive Menu Trailers Filmographies Режиссеры вплвбДэвид Лэй David Lai Тэйлор Вонг Taylor Wong Актеры (показать всех актеров) Алекс Мэн Alex Man Так же известен как Man Chi Leung, Chi-Leung Man, Jin Leung Man Карина Лау Carina Lau Фуй-Он Синг Fui-On Shing.
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